December Newsletter
November Newsletter

Macmillan Coffee Morning
Pineapple Care held a coffee morning for Macmillan on 4th October and raised £127.
Thank you to everyone that took part.
October Newsletter
3rd October marked Pineapple Care’s 7th year anniversary we employee over 120 local people and complete over 500 care calls per day within the local community.
We would like to thank all our staff and service users with special thanks to the following members of Team Pineapple
Paris Coordinating Team Leader 7 years service
Daisy Our longest serving Carer with 7 years service
Lisa our Branch Manager 6 years service
Laura recently marking 1 year as our Reviewing Officer
Lisa Clemson recently 1 year as our Trainer
Introducing Shaye, she joined the Pineapple team in July and has recently been promoted to Trainee Coordinator
Welcome to our newest member of the team Nicola Manning who has recently joined Pineapple Team as Quality Control Manager.
Introducing a new brand of golf attire and accessories brought to you by the Green Keeper of a local golf course and son of Pineapple Care’s Managing Director.
Please support a local business bringing-zest-to-golf-soft-lemons-golf (
As we approach winter season, it’s time for carers and people at risk to be booked in for their free flu jab. Boots, Asda, Superdrug and many more now offer flu vaccines as well as your local heath centre.
Pineapple Care held a Macmillan coffee Morning on the 4th of October.
We sold tea, coffee and some lovely cakes, we also held a raffle to raise extra funds for Macmillan, which is a fantastic cause.
We had lots of lovely visitors and will share how much we have raised and some pictures in next months newsletter.
This years Carers Christmas Party will be held on
Sunday 15th December 4-10pm
We are looking for people to donate wool or knit squares for Team Pineapple to make blankets to keep our service users warm this winter.
Please drop them into the local office.
Join the Team – Current Vacancies
We are looking for an Office Administrator This position is Office and Community based and is a great opportunity for someone to develop within supporting young adults with Learning Difficulties. Duties will include: Co-ordinating and scheduling support shifts. Answering the phone, dealing with queries and passing calls through to the relevant departments. Responding to correspondence via emails. Arranging activities and creating social plans for service users. Liaising with other professionals and management within an office environment. Supporting individuals with learning difficulties. Attending social events. Promoting life skills. Driving is essential for the position and you are required to hold a full UK driving licence and be willing to drive in all areas of Thurrock If you think this role is for you, please give us a call on 01375 808303 or alternatively send your CV to Current Care Vacancies Morning and Lunches in Corringham on WEEKDAYS Teas and Beds in Corringham on WEEKENDS Teas and Beds in Grays WEEKDAYS AND WEEKENDS Weekends in all ALL AREAS OF THURROCK DRIVING IS ESSENTIAL At Pineapple care we offer the following: FREE Bupa Employee Health & Wellbeing Programme £50 Probation Bonus £100 INTRODUCE A FRIEND FREE Training FREE Uniform FREE Staff Christmas Parties FREE Blue Light Card Mileage Paid Friendly and Supportive Team |
Thank you as always
Lavena & Nicola
& our Pineapple Team
August Newsletter
On Friday the 26th of July our service users with learning disabilities had a fantastic time doing a sports day over at our Pineapple lodge. They took part in 6 events which consisted of egg and spoon race, the three-legged race, the sack race, mini hurdles, the bean bag distance game and a football match. All the service users that took part each received a medal and enjoyed a delicious ice cream at the end.
Childhood Awareness Month September 2024.
The Children with cancer charity, MCA Trust will be promoting awareness during September through the medium of dance. The MCA Trust are planning to get groups of people together, from all walks of life to dance in formation to the popular song, Jerusalem. A video of the very simple choreography is available from Jo Isaacs on 07956124575.
The charity is already in discussions with the police, nurses and doctors, fire service, Tesco, local councillors, Southend football club,
Potters resort, Maldon ladies club, the Lightning and Thunder drama group and Orsett cricket club with a view to participate in the dancing. All dancers will be professionally filmed, which will then be edited and placed on social media to raise awareness.
If this is something that you can help with, please get in touch.
01375 466951
07771 544015
National Eat Outside Day – 31st August
Friends, fresh air, and good food are the focus of National Eat Outside Day every year on August 31. Whether at home, a park, a favourite restaurant or food truck, or the beach, food just tastes better when we eat it under the open sky.
National Eat Outdoors Day has been observed since at least 2006. However, we were unable to identify the source of the observance.
LD BBQ + Games – 30th August.
On the 30th of August Residents from Pineapple Lodge and LD students will be getting together for some lovely BBQ food and Garden games.
The garden games will include rounders, large garden skittles and catching & throwing games.
Look out for some great pictures in next month’s newsletter.
Pineapple Networking Group
Pineapple Care are looking for people from our local community to attend our Networking group on a monthly basis to discuss how we can all work collaboratively to achieve a better Thurrock.
Do you feel that you would be able to provide an insight into your area / what’s missing?
We would like to connect with both professionals, ex professionals, group leaders, councillors, shop owners, school workers, colleagues, ex nurses, NHS workers, Support Workers or anyone who feels that they would be able to contribute to the group.
If you would like to express your interest, please contact the office by either email on or phone on 01375 808303.
The food hygiene scheme gives you clear information about businesses’ hygiene standards.
The scheme is run in partnership with local authorities in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.
The scheme gives businesses a rating from 5 to 0 which is displayed at their premises and online.
5 – hygiene standards are very good
4 – hygiene standards are good
3 – hygiene standards are generally satisfactory
2 – some improvement is necessary
1 – major improvement is necessary
0 – urgent improvement is required
What the rating covers:
Ratings are a snapshot of the standards of food hygiene found at the time of inspection. It is the responsibility of the business to comply with food hygiene law at all times.
This includes:
Handling of food
How food is stored
How food is prepared
Cleanliness of facilities
How food safety is managed
It’s fantastic to see our lovely residents being looked after at the highest of standards.
Well done to everyone involved.
Pineapple care recently completed an unannounced inspection from Thurrock Council.
The inspection looks at many different areas of the business including staff conduct, training and knowledge, service user visits and feedback.
Pineapple Care is very pleased to announce that we have successfully maintained our status of Excellent.
This was a massive achievement in 2021 as we were the first provider in Thurrock to obtain this grade, keeping this status takes dedication from every member of staff, commitment to our values and upholding the standard of care provided to all our service users.
We would like to say a massive thank you to every member of staff for your continued support.
Join the Team – Current Vacancies
Pineapple Care have the following vacancies available: –
4 on 4 off in the Aveley and Ockendon area.
7am – 2pm Ockendon Monday to Friday and every other Weekend.
Friday 6pm – 11pm in Grays.
Teas and Beds in Corringham and Stanford.
Weekends in Corringham and Stanford all day.
Teas and Beds Weekends all areas.
Weekends full availability
Driving is essential.
If you know anyone who is looking for a change in career, a fresh start or has always wanted to work in the care industry and just doesn’t know where to start, refer them to Pineapple Care and receive a payment of £50 once probation has been passed. Please contact the office and ask for the recruitment department for more information on 01375 808303. Or email
Look out for our next Newsletter in September.
Until next time………..