The Managing Director of Pineapple Care – Lavena Shovlar presented Lisa Evans – Branch Manager with a gift of flowers and wine, for the support Lisa has delivered this week.
The Hospital Team at Basildon hospital has sent a Lovely email, expressing their gratitude in providing support for one of their patients and his wife. This gentleman was at risk of being moved out of borough by the hospital due to requiring a high level of care; he was not able to receive the regular physio support in hospital due to staff shortages and therefore he was not able to progress following his stroke. Although he has a long recovery road ahead, now that he is at home, he feels more motivated and has hope.
Not only were Pineapple Care able to support within 12 hours of him being home, but Pineapple Care have also continued to provide the extra help required for him at home. Hoisting him from the bed so that additional equipment could be installed to make his bed safe.
The patient is being supported by the Stroke Hub team and he now has a chance to progress. His aim is to increase his stamina and weight bearing ability and hopefully reduce care to assistance of one.
The Hospital Social Work Team at Basildon Hospital have emailed their gratitude to Lisa, they felt it would be beneficial for Pineapple Care to observe one of their patients transfers in hospital to make sure they were happy their carers would be able to support him safely when home in the time allocated.
Lisa attended the hospital to see if she felt her carers would be able to manage the patients manual handling as per the information received from the occupational therapist and the Hospital Social Work Team. Lisa was able to ask to questions/ raise any concerns and make sure before he left hospital that Pineapple Care would be able to meet this gentleman’s needs. This avoided the need for emergency risk assessments, ordering of additional equipment and changes to care plans once the patient is already at home.
By working collaboratively prior to hospital discharge we have achieved the best outcome for the patient, and we will work closely together going forward to see if we can support the patient to gain further independence in his own home, hopefully reducing the amount of care he will need and hopefully help him to progress to transferring with a rollator frame as he was before.
The Hospital Social Work Team at Basildon Hospital have worked with Lisa and her team for a few years now and Lisa is instrumental at getting things done and supporting the service users, her carers and the professionals she works with. The Hospital Social Work Team at Basildon Hospital, know they can rely on Lisa’s support when they contact her.
It was lovely to receive such great feedback from both the Hospital team and Social work team at Basildon Hospital, Pineapple Care strive to deliver this support on a daily basis and look forward to working with both teams again in the near future.
A big thank you and well done to Lisa Evans for all her continued hard work.