Our mission is to provide a safe, caring, effective, responsive and well led care and support services working in line with the quality of service we expect for our own family and for ourselves. We have a dedicated and supportive team of staff with the ethos of providing high quality care and support, whilst assisting people to maintain their independence, health, well-being and social inclusion.
Aims and objectives:
• To provide a high-quality, cost-effective service, sensitive to the needs of the users of our service and assisting them to achieving personal outcomes
• To undertake a support needs and risk assessment, acknowledging the individuals’ choices, using a person-centred approach to ensure the user of our service achieves optimum level of independence
• To promote and maintain dignity, respect and privacy
• To maintain confidentiality at all times
• To train and support our staff. We provide a robust induction programme, ongoing training and supervision for staff that have a satisfactory enhanced ‘Disclosure and Barring Service’ criminal records check.
• Effective policies and procedures that underpin our good practice
• To constantly re-evaluate the quality of the service we provide, and having the flexible approach, however also maintaining a responsive approach where necessary
• To continue to develop professional relationships with health colleagues
• To have a robust recruitment and retention process in place, ensuring staff are valued and well- lead
• To monitor quality of care and support and continuously review and strive to improve the level of care / support provided
• To achieve diverse, cultural and religious needs of users of our service, their families and all staff
Service User Groups:
• Adults aged 65 plus
• Adults with dementia
• Adults aged 18 to 65
• Caring for children (0-18 years)
• Learning difficulties or/and autistic spectrum disorder
• Physical disabilities
• Palliative/End of Life care
• Sensory impairment
Nature of Services provided:
• Support with activities of daily living outcomes
• Support with health needs outcomes
• Support with social inclusion
• Support with mobility outcomes
• Support with daily nutritional outcomes
• Support with religious, cultural and social outcomes
• Support with domestic/housework outcomes
• Support with shopping outcomes
Services provided:
• Personal Care
• Bathing, washing, showering,
• Skin, oral, hair, nail care
• Prompting/monitoring medication
• Assisting to bed
• Managing incontinence, emptying of commodes
• Shaving
• Stoma Care
• Cleaning teeth / dentures
• Cleaning of spectacles
• Hearing aids
• Monitoring general health and well-being
• Monitoring nutrition and hydration
Support services
- Support to attend social events
- Person centered approaches to achieve active & fulfilled days
- Support to attend appointments
- Personal choice balanced with Duty of Care
- Community integration Recognition of achievements
- Person centered approaches to achieve active & fulfilled days
- Daily support promoting independence for people with Learning Disabilities
- End of life care and support
- Continuous development opportunities
- Promote self-advocacy
Domestic Care
- House cleaning
- Washing up dishes
- Laundry and ironing
- Preparing of meals
Social Care
- Shopping
- Collecting prescriptions
- Companionship, sit –in service
- Arranging and taking to appointments
- Walking of pets / Arranging / taking to vet / parlour appointments
User of service rights:
Our aim is to provide quality of care and support at all times, promoting people to live a life that is safe and maximises their rights as individuals. Below are some of the values that underpin Pineapple Care Services:
Users of our service should have their privacy respected at all times. We will achieve this by:
• Staff will only access permitted rooms and act as a guest in the home
• Staff will use the requested method when entering the home at all times
• Ensure private possessions are respected
• Avoid private telephone and / or engage in conversations between the user of our service and their relatives / friends
• Respect private documents within the home, and only read mail if requested to do so by the user of our service
Users of our service should have their dignity respected at all times. We will achieve this by:
• Having the choice when deciding the sex of the worker involved in the delivery of support
• Addressing the person appropriately
• To have the choice of where and how personal care is delivered in a way that respects dignity
• Have their personal space respected
We will promote and encourage a person’s independence at all times. We will achieve this by:
• Promoting and encouraging the user of our service to do tasks themselves to achieve outcomes
• Engaging and encouraging the user of our service to plan their own support plan
• Users of our service are encouraged to take control of their own health, wellbeing and medication where possible
We will promote and encourage the user of our service to make their own choices. We will achieve this by:
• Users of our service will be encouraged to make their own choices in daily living and social inclusion
• Users will, where possible, have the choice and preference of staff respected in the delivery of their care / support
• Users of our service will, where possible, have the choice of times respected
• We will respect equality and diversity at all times
We will conduct a comprehensive risk assessment in relation to the premises, equipment and outside activities being undertaken. We will, at all times, endeavour to reduce risks whilst maintaining independence and avoiding exposure to hazards and risks to the user of our service. We will achieve this by:
• Providing support with daily activities and everyday life skills
• With the authorisation of the user of our service, we will ensure the home environment is free from risks
• Providing guidance and advice with the security of premises and access by staff
Our approach to assessment, planning and review aims to shift engagement away from service-led approaches. This will involve engaging other professionals, family friends, and the local community working together to achieve the best possible impact on the individual’s life. The philosophy emphasises the strengths, capacity and resilience of individuals, builds upon natural support systems and includes consideration of wider community based resources. This approach is consistent and aims to engage people using services, allow personalisation, and enablement and an assets-based approach to health.
Complaints procedure:
Our complaints procedure empowers Service Users or their representatives to freely express their opinion as and when they feel that the quality of service is being compromised and their rights violated. You can contact us in person, by phone or by writing a letter or e-mail.
We will treat every issue seriously and act in a timely manner. Our complaints procedure also encompasses the whistle blowing policy, which essentially strives to expose and, thereafter, address both administrative and operations short falls. If you lodge a complaint it will be handled in strict confidence and management will investigate your complaint objectively without fear or favour. Furthermore, you are reminded of your right if you so wish to secure specialist advocacy.
The procedure:
- We will record and acknowledge your complaint within 5 working days
- We will advise you of the person who will be dealing with your complaint
- At this stage, we will consider all issues thoroughly including how the complaint came about. Any staff involved will be promptly informed of complaints relating to them in order to prevent re occurrence with exceptions set out where necessary
- We will keep you informed about the progress of the investigation and aim to complete our investigations within 28 working days unless we agree a different time scale with you
- We will write to you with our findings, and advise you of any actions that we have taken to ensure, as far as we are able, that we resolve your complaint and that the circumstances will not be repeated
- A full written record of the nature of the complaint and action taken will be kept on file
- Complaints will be dealt with in a friendly, professional way and kept confidential
- If you are not satisfied with the handling of your complaint you should refer the matter to the Responsible Individual, at:
Pineapple Care Services Limited
Orsett Hall, Prince Charles Avenue, Grays, RM16 3HS
Tel: 01375 808303
Email: mail@pineapple.care
During the process, if you are not happy with the way we are dealing with your complaint, and your care is provided through the Local Authority Social Services, you may contact them directly at:
The Statutory Complaints and Engagement Manager
Thurrock Council, Civic Offices, New Road, Grays, Essex RM17 6SL
Once we have dealt with your complaint, if you are not happy with the outcome you can refer your complaint to the Local Government Ombudsman (LGO) and ask for it to be reviewed. The LGO provides free independent service and they can be contacted on:
Tel: 0300 061 0614 Website: www.lgo.org.uk
You can contact CQC. The CQC do not get involved in individual complaints about providers, but are happy to receive information about services at any time.
Care Quality Commission National Correspondence
Citygate, Gallowgate, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 4PA
Tel: 03000 616161 Web site www.cqc.org.uk
Naturally, we also welcome compliments so that we know what we are doing well. All compliments will be recorded and passed onto the relevant member of our team. Whilst good practice is a requirement and expectation at Pineapple Care, commitment and good service will be rewarded accordingly as a way of ensuring staff know they are appreciated and valued.
Safeguarding of “Users of our service and Support Workers”
Adults have the rights and responsibilities in general, and as defined by law. These include:
• The right to live in a safe environment, free from abuse, discrimination and able to live as independently maintaining dignity, privacy and the opportunity to realise their personal aspirations in all aspects of life
• Statutory rights under the human rights act 1998
• The right to make informed decisions about their lives including those related to risk and their own perceived vulnerability
• The responsibility for the consequences of their choice
• Any persons making a complaint or allegation or expressing a concern, whether they be a user of our service, staff member, or member of the public, can be assured that they will be taken seriously and all information will be treated confidentially, however concerns will be shared if the person or others are at significant risk. All actions and updates will be communicated along with outcomes as far as possible.
How to report an allegation or concern:
You may wish to discuss your concerns with a member of staff or the registered manager. If your concern involves a member of staff, you may prefer to contact one of the Directors, your Local Authority or the Care Quality Commission. The telephones numbers can be located within this statement.
Withdrawal of service:
Pineapple Care Services Ltd acknowledge that in exceptional cases, withdrawal of a service may be necessary. Given the sensitive nature of, and care implications surrounding a withdrawal of service, this action will only be taken after full consultation with, and notice to the user of our service, family and/or their representatives and any relevant professionals involved with the care.
Pineapple Care Services Ltd reserves the right to suspend or withhold their services from any Service User under the following circumstances:
• Failure to provide a safe working environment for our staff.
• Any form of harassment or discrimination on the grounds of race, religion, age, gender, sexual orientation and disability, which compromise delivery of service.
• Failure of Service User to treat staff with respect, courtesy and consideration.
• Users of our service continually refuse access or part of services identified in their support plan.
• Persistent non-payment of invoices for self-funding users of our service
Pineapple Care Services is a Limited Company:
Registration number: 10993929
Tel: 01375 808303
Email: mail@pineapple.care
Recruitment: recruitment@pineapple.care
Website: www.pineapple.care
Qualifications and experience:
Managing Director, Lavena Babbs has a vast amount of knowledge and experience holding senior management positions within the private care sector and local authority. These roles were predominantly supporting older adults with various health needs, and then later in her career supporting younger adults with autism, and learning disabilities. Lavena holds her Registered Managers Award.